Monday, October 20, 2008

Blog Update!

I know it has been awhile since I last posted. So I am going to try to be better from now on. Our family is doing great, and Gabe is growing like a weed. He is a champion crawler and is going to take off walking any day. He also says "uh-oh", mom, dadda, and "eye". Right now is such a fun time because he is learning so much and it seems like he does something for the first time every day! He is almost 11 months, so his 1st Birthday will be here before we know it. Time does fly when your having fun!

Out of Control Hair!

John and I wanted to wait until Gabe was 1 to give him his first haircut. "Wanted" being the key word because when it got to the point where I had to put my little boys hair in a clip just so he could see we knew it was time. In August we took him to a salon and he got his first hair cut. Though I missed the hair at first I have to admit he looks very handsome with his new look!

Horsing Around

This is Gabriel's first time riding a horse and trying out his new saddle. It was so cute, he acted like he knew exactly what he was doing and he wasn't scared at all. His mom, on the other hand was the scared one! I can't believe my baby is old enough to ride a horse!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Our Little Man

Kami, this is for you:) I have no idea what I'm doing so bear with me ok. Gabe is 8 months old now and he is such a sweet boy and so happy all of the time. We feel so lucky to be his parents. I just can't believe how fast he is growing, he's turning into this little man.